Drinking CalvadosCocktails → Clear Rice

Clear Rice

By Lucas Lichten­berg, cre­at­or of the cocktail:
“I was inspired by a Normandy spe­ci­al­ity “la Teurgoule”, a recipe for rice pud­ding spiced with cin­na­mon and vanilla. So I con­cocted a clear milk punch based on Calvados. I then cooked a rice pud­ding and added it to Calvados already mixed with lemon juice. The hot cream will curdle on con­tact with the acid­ity. I let it rest in the fridge for a few hours.
After double fil­tra­tion through a coffee filter, you have a won­der­ful Calvados-cla­ri­fied rice pud­ding. It’s a com­fort­ing, finely spiced recipe. ”

Ser­vice: By the glass.
Glass: Goblet.
Gar­nish: Spoon­ful of rice pudding. 


25g round rice
50ml Normandy cream
15g sugar
1 pinch of salt
5 cin­na­mon sticks
2 vanilla beans

25cl of cream for :
300ml of Calvados Pays d’Auge XO
50ml sugar syrup
100ml lemon juice


Pix : Guillaume Belvèze + ForGeorges.fr ⇉ #CalvaClub 2021

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