Drinking CalvadosCocktails → RES NOSTRA MARE


Port-en-Bessin has been home to scal­lop fish­er­men for cen­tur­ies, with Calvados as the uni­fy­ing bever­age. From Guil­laume Le Nor­mand’s shipyard to sup­ply­ing the Allied forces during World War II, this Norman vil­lage has wit­nessed sig­ni­fic­ant events through­out his­tory! A motto was born there: the sea is our law, RES NOSTRA MARE in Latin. The idea is not to lose the vigor and strength of Calvados by com­bin­ing it with fresh sea­son­al ingredi­ents that har­mon­ize with the del­ic­acy and the iod­ized touch of the seared scallop.
What if this blend had played a role in this story?…

A cock­tail by Ugo MORETTO -> Cal­vaClub 2023


1.5 cl French Tur­mer­ic Vinegar
1.5 cl Clem­entine & Fennel Koso (cold-fer­men­ted syrup)
5 cl Calvados Pays d’Auge Fine VS
2 dashes Sichuan Bitter from Gers
Smoked oil
Rim with dried koso rem­nants + dried kombu


Pix : Romane Lesellier

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