Calvados Tourism in Normandy → Distilleries

The Calvados

The Calvados dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • Domaine de la Mérité


    This estate pro­duces just one Calvados for sale, a blend of a min­im­um of 20 years of age. It has picked up awards at the Salon de l’Agriculture in Paris on sev­er­al occa­sions. Listed in numer­ous Mich­elin-starred res­taur­ants in France. A rare and authen­t­ic Calvados with an enti­cing character. 

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  • La Cave Normande


    Pro­du­cers of Calvados, perry, cider, apple and pear juice since 1950… a family know-how and expert­ise when it comes to delight­ing the taste buds! 

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  • Manoir d’Apreval


    17 Pays d’Auge vari­et­ies of cider apples are planted here on 20 hec­tares of organ­ic orch­ards loc­ated by the sea. We are a farm pro­du­cing craft products in a typ­ic­al Normandy setting. 

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  • Cidre Lemasson


    Farm-based, organ­ic and sus­tain­able pro­duc­tion. Tra­di­tion­al pro­cessing in keep­ing with ances­tral savoir-faire. Modern and enga­ging marketing. 

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  • Le Père Mahieu


    Come along and visit our organ­ic craft cider farm and dis­til­lery in the typ­ic­al set­ting of a 1920s farmstead. 

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  • Ferme de la Vallée au Tanneur


    A tra­di­tion­al organ­ic farm, where Normandy cows graze under the high stem apple trees. 

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  • La Spiriterie Française, Château du Breuil, Normandie

    Le Breuil-en-Auge

    This, one of the most pres­ti­gi­ous dis­til­ler­ies of Calvados, set in a 16th-17th cen­tury château, pro­duces a wide range of Calvados Pays d’Auge and Calvados-based products, from the most tra­di­tion­al to the most innovative. 

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  • Ferme des Parquets


    Ciders, per­ries, apple juices, pear juices, Pom­meau de Nor­man­die, Pays d’Auge Calvados: all pro­duced on our farm from our 2,000 trees grow­ing 70 dif­fer­ent varieties. 

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  • Ferme de la Prémoudière


    The Ferme de la Pré­moud­ière is loc­ated in the Orne Bocage, an area known for its unspoilt, rural envir­on­ment. Its orch­ards are planted with extraordin­ary high stem pear trees. 

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  • Domaine de la Galotière


    This family estate in the tra­di­tion­al set­ting of the Pays d’Auge has been worked organ­ic­ally since 1997. Dating back to the 17th cen­tury, Domaine de la Galotière com­bines tra­di­tion and innov­a­tion, in both its build­ings and products. The estate has picked up medals at numer­ous competitions. 

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  • Le Père Jules

    St-Désir de Lisieux

    A family story, the story of a passion…

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  • Théo Capelle


    The Théo Capelle cider works invites you to dis­cov­er all the fla­vours of AOC Calvados, AOC Pom­meau de Nor­man­die and Cotentin AOP ciders during your visit to the estate. 

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