Drinking Calvados → Recommended addresses


Bars, hotels, res­taur­ants, del­icates­sens, wine stores, you’ll find Calvados every­where. In Normandy, in France, and all over the world.

  • Le Baligan

    Cabourg - Normandy

    Spe­cial­ising in fish and sea­food, the team at le Baligan brings you all the fresh­ness of the open sea. Calvados is par­tic­u­larly appre­ci­ated and show­cased here in both the cock­tails and the desserts. And, of course, it is also avail­able as an after-dinner drink. 

    See map
  • Harry’s Bar

    Paris - France

    Since 1911, this embassy of U.S. cock­tail-making has reigned supreme in the heart of the 9th arron­disse­ment of Paris. With its uni­formed waiters, inim­it­able know-how and a lovely grand piano in the base­ment for the jazz even­ings, Harry’s is an institution!

    See map
  • Le Syndicat

    Paris - France

    This inim­it­able bar waves the flag for French spir­its and, of course, serves up some deli­cious Calvados-based cocktails.

    See map
  • Coupette

    London - United Kingdom

    Inspired by France, but proudly London-based, Cou­pette is a Calvados insti­tu­tion on the other side of the Chan­nel. With its French monik­er and relaxed ambi­ence, Cou­pette has quickly become one of the most import­ant bars on the inter­na­tion­al scene. “Apples” is one of its most iconic cocktails.

    See map
  • Le bar du Normandy

    Caen - Normandy

    Situ­ated in a per­fect loc­a­tion in Deauville’s town centre, facing the Planches de la Manche beaches, this iconic Côte Fleur­ie estab­lish­ment boasts a cock­tail menu in which Calvados has pride of place. Marc-Jean has been offi­ci­at­ing here for 32 years.

    See map
  • The Flying Dutchmen

    Amsterdam - The Netherlands

    Fancy a Calvados cock­tail by the canal? Visit this insti­tu­tion of the Dutch cock­tail scene and fix­ture of Ams­ter­dam nightlife.

    See map
  • Rue Ecuyère

    Caen - Normandy

    This street is the epi­centre of stu­dent life in Caen. The spe­ci­al­ity here is the Embus­cade, a cock­tail made from lager, white wine and Calvados and inven­ted in Normandy. While you’re in Rue Ecuyère, pop in to see Nathan at the Speak­easy and ask him to intro­duce you to the “Demois­elle”…

    See map
  • La Compagnie des Calvados

    Honfleur - Normandy

    Spe­cial­ising in Calvados, this wine and spirit store stocks more than 80 dif­fer­ent Calvados includ­ing some very old col­lect­or’s vin­tages from the 3 Calvados appellations.

    See map
  • Gill

    Rouen - Normandy

    Boast­ing two Mich­elin stars, this is an import­ant res­taur­ant on the Normandy culin­ary scene. One of chef Gilles Tour­nad­re’s spe­ci­al­it­ies is his Calvados soufflé, served as a grand finale to round off an amaz­ing meal.

    See map
  • Combat

    Paris - France

    Named after a neigh­bour­hood in the 19th arron­disse­ment of Paris, this bar is con­sist­ently excel­lent! A hard-work­ing team, a style very unlike that of a clas­sic speak­easy and, of course, ori­gin­al cock­tail recipes which some­times give away Margot Lecar­pen­ti­er­’s Normandy roots! 

    See map
  • Le Central

    Trouville - Normandy

    Come and check out the after-dinner drinks list at this Trouville institution. 

    See map
  • The Northman

    Chicago - United States

    This place is an ode to cider and Calvados in the heart of the Windy City. A wide vari­ety of dishes are avail­able to com­ple­ment the ciders and innov­at­ive cock­tails which can be enjoyed on the water­front terrace.

    See map

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