Drinking CalvadosCocktails → DRAWING WITH JELLY


This cock­tail draws inspir­a­tion from aro­mat­ic re-com­pos­i­tion tech­niques com­monly used in perfumery.
To create it, we have lever­aged the flavor pro­file of a scal­lop as a found­a­tion, util­iz­ing its aro­mat­ic essence as a neut­ral canvas upon which we’ve layered colors and flavors.
The bal­ance of taste and olfact­ory sen­sa­tions in this con­coc­tion is achieved through the integ­ra­tion of five key aro­mat­ic com­pon­ents, fea­tur­ing notes of vanilla, flowers, cori­ander seeds, rooibos, and fresh apples.

A cock­tail by Andres QUIÑONEZ -> Cal­vaClub 2023


80 ml Calvados and Orange Blos­som Yogurt Mix
20 ml Dry Vermouth
2,5 ml Midi Fauve Liqueur (notes of violet fig, sweet flower, black cumin, and coriander)
Dry vermouth
Gar­nish : apple liqueur jelly and citrus ver­mouth jelly


Pix : Romane Lesellier

How do you heat a still?

A still can be heated by gas or, more tra­di­tion­ally, by wood. 

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