Drinking CalvadosCocktails → NOIX DE BEURRE


“NOIX DE BEURRE,” Thomas’s cre­ation designed for Cal­vaClub 2023, is a lively and fresh cock­tail with but­tery notes.
The Calvados VS will be enhanced by a subtle taste of hazel­nut, lightly iod­ized, and farm­house notes of tart apple.
This cock­tail pairs per­fectly with del­ic­ate hazel­nut aromas and the salty aspect already present in the scallop.

A cock­tail by Thomas TREFCON -> Cal­vaClub 2023


30 ml Calvados VS
20 ml Hazel­nut-Infused Pars­ley Butter Syrup (AOP Isigny Butter)
10 ml Verjus
3 dashes saline solution
Top with Farm­house brut cider


Pix : Romane Lesellier

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