Drinking CalvadosCocktails → COQUILLAGES ET SATORI


For the Cal­vaClub com­pet­i­tion, here’s my cock­tail ‘Coquil­lages et Satori,’ com­ple­ment­ing seared scal­lops. The goal is to show­case Calvados, an emblem­at­ic depart­ment known for its brandies, stun­ning coastal land­scapes, and delight­ful seafood.
As for my inspir­a­tions, I’m a fan of “boozy cock­tails” from the era of Amer­ic­an pro­hib­i­tion and some clas­sics of the same cat­egory. But rest assured, this cock­tail is indul­gent and smooth !
Con­sequently, my choice nat­ur­ally grav­it­ated towards the Dry Mar­tini, and I like to think there are also nuances remin­is­cent of the famous Gimlet.

A cock­tail by Flavi­en BOUTHINON-DUMAS -> Cal­vaClub 2023


50 ml Calvados Pays d’Auge VSOP
40 ml Junmai Sake
30 ml lemon ver­bena and shii­take cordial
1 dash umami saline solution
Nekemté* moka foam and vanilla

*home-roas­ted slightly green coffee


Pix : Romane Lesellier

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