By Nic­olas Maria, cre­at­or of the cock­tail: “I used the “throw­ing” tech­nique and made a homemade shrub. What is a shrub? It is simply the use of 3 ingredi­ents: fruits or plants, vin­eg­ar and sugar. In this par­tic­u­lar case, I pre­ferred to work with a qual­ity vin­eg­ar already infused and aged with elderflower.”


5 cl Calvados VS
2 cl Shrub (eld­er­flower + white wine vinegar)
2 cl Granny Smith apple juice
1 cl of herbs and spices liqueur (Bene­dict­ine)
Slice of pear for decoration


Pix : Guillaume Belvèze + ForGeorges.fr ⇉ #CalvaClub 2021

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