Drinking CalvadosCocktails → Jack Rose

Jack Rose

Very pop­u­lar in the 1920s, and fam­ously sipped in one of Hemingway’s clas­sic novels, this cock­tail is iconic.
It fea­tures among the six basic drinks listed by David Embury in The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks (1948).


40 ml Calvados VS
20 ml lemon juice
20 ml grenadine

What is an AOC?

An Appel­la­tion d’Ori­gine Con­trôlée (AOC) is a French label identi­fy­ing a product whose vari­ous stages of man­u­fac­tur­ing (pro­duc­tion and pro­cessing) are car­ried out in the same geo­graph­ic­al area and accord­ing to recog­nised know-how. The concept was born in 1905, but it was not until 1935 that a legis­lat­ive decree cre­ated the Appel­la­tion d’Ori­gine Con­trôlée. The first AOC status was awar­ded on 15 May 1936. The Calvados Pays d’Auge became an AOC in 1942. Today there are 3 AOCs for Calvados: Calvados (1984), Calvados Pays d’Auge and Calvados Dom­fron­tais (1997).

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