Drinking CalvadosCocktails → RENCONTRE


“RENCONTRE” is the result of days of reflec­tion to com­ple­ment the Seared Scal­lop. The Fine Calvados (aged 2 to 3 years) is chosen for its fruity char­ac­ter­ist­ics and notes of fresh apples, paired with Pom­meau de Nor­man­die for a bal­anced round­ness. Eco-respons­ib­il­ity guides the choice of French verjus as a sub­sti­tute for lime.
Respect­ing sea­son­al­ity, fennel is used in the homemade Shrub, offer­ing veget­al notes. In a zero-waste approach, solid com­pon­ents of the Shrub create a dec­or­at­ive tile. Foam with lemon ver­bena adds light­ness and fresh­ness, evok­ing sea foam. The Cal­vaClub facil­it­ated enrich­ing encoun­ters, not­ably with the appren­tices from the CFA in Mont de Marsan and Johanna Meyer, the ceram­ist who craf­ted the cock­tail glasses.

A cock­tail by Louis ROBIN -> Cal­vaClub 2023


45 ml Fine Calvados
10 ml Pom­meau de Normandie
20 ml Fennel Shrub (apple cider vin­eg­ar + fennel)
10 ml Verjus
Gar­nish: Lemon ver­bena foam from the garden & fennel tile


Pix : Romane Lesellier 

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