
Today, 300 Calvados pro­du­cers cul­tiv­ate the fine art of Calvados distilling. They have been care­fully craft­ing this icon of the French “art de vivre” for five centuries.

  • A unique history

    From the Hes­per­ides to Steve Jobs, the Garden of Eden to the Beatles, Newton to Mag­ritte, the apple has cap­tured the ima­gin­a­tion since the dawn of man­kind. In Normandy, it is an emblem and Calvados is its standard-bearer…

    A glass and a bottle of Calvados on a counter
  • Fruit, wood, time & creativity

    Craft­ing a great spirit is painstak­ing work and requires a unique savoir-faire. 3 mil­lion trees and 300 pro­du­cers per­petu­ate the age-old tra­di­tion of Calvados-making.

    Calvados is poured into a beaker with a pipette
  • The Calvados Trio with their Terroirs & Appellations

    There are three AOCs for Calvados that share import­ant sim­il­ar­it­ies but also some sig­ni­fic­ant dif­fer­ences in their typ­ic­al character.

    At the bottom of an apple tree
  • Understanding the label

    The Calvados from the three appel­la­tions are sep­ar­ated into two types: blends and vintages.

    Understanding the label
    Aging and meticulousness in the cellars of Calvados
  • An eco-friendly spirit

    In line with the Normandy Region’s envir­on­ment­al health and eco­sys­tem vital­ity policy, the Calvados pro­duc­tion eco­sys­tem is in com­plete sym­bi­os­is with its environment.

    Close-up on a pear tree flower

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