In France and elsewhere


Bars, hotels, res­taur­ants, del­icates­sens, wine stores, you’ll find Calvados every­where. In Normandy, in France, and all over the world.

  • Coupette

    London - United Kingdom

    Inspired by France, but proudly London-based, Cou­pette is a Calvados insti­tu­tion on the other side of the Chan­nel. With its French monik­er and relaxed ambi­ence, Cou­pette has quickly become one of the most import­ant bars on the inter­na­tion­al scene. “Apples” is one of its most iconic cocktails.

    See map
  • Le Bar Hemingway — Hôtel Ritz

    Paris - France

    Prob­ably one of the most myth­ic­al hotels in the world. Pop along to its Hem­ing­way Bar (named after the famous writer who used to hang out there) and ask head bar­tender Colin Field to serve you the ‘Serendip­ity’, his sig­na­ture cock­tail made from Cham­pagne and Calvados 

    See map

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