

Calvados Morin

Our products

Calvados, Calvados Pays d’Auge


10, rue d’Ezy
27540 Ivry la Bataille

Opening hours

Open to the gen­er­al public on Friday after­noons at 14:30 — Groups by appointment 


Pierre-Yves VIRY
Tél. : +33 (0)2 32 36 40 01
Fax. : +33 (0)2 32 36 69 63

Languages spoken



Online sales
Shop sales
Groups by prior appointment

On the banks of the River Eure you will find one of the oldest Calvados producers in Normandy, whose underground cellars date back to the 19th century. Here you can learn all about the craft of Calvados maturing and the various stages in its production.

The story of Calvados Morin star­ted in la Haye de Cal­leville in the Risle valley in 1889, before Pierre Morin took over from his father and moved the small family négo­ci­ant busi­ness to Bri­onne, then more per­man­ently to Ivry-la-Bataille, a charm­ing old Normandy cit­adel in the Eure valley.

In Feb­ru­ary 1945, Calvados Morin decided to move to the former premises of the Dis­til­ler­ie de Thélème (known for its famous liquor at the time). This dis­til­lery is equipped with ageing facil­it­ies that are second to none in Normandy and include vast under­ground cel­lars that are home to sev­er­al hun­dred small oak bar­rels con­tain­ing the pre­cious eau-de-vies.

Calvados Morin is reputed for the qual­ity of its blends and the con­sist­ency of its products. The famous “Morin taste” is derived from the care­ful blend­ing of dif­fer­ent terroirs and appel­la­tions. The young Calvados selec­ted for ageing are first aged in 300 to 400-litre casks in cel­lars that are sub­ject to chan­ging cli­mat­ic con­di­tions which accen­tu­ates the oxid­a­tion and thus the ageing, res­ult­ing in a high degree of evap­or­a­tion — the angels’ share — which is cru­cial in the pro­cess of ageing a good eau-de-vie. The unique envir­on­ment of our cel­lars plays a major role in the gentle ageing of our Calvados. Dug into the chalk hill­sides of the Eure valley, the long tun­nels run deep into the cliff. Their very humid atmo­sphere is ideal for ageing Calvados, in silence and far away from the vibra­tions of the town.

This mat­ur­a­tion phase is a second, very import­ant step in our ageing pro­cess. The ambi­ent hygro­metry of close to 100% causes a nat­ur­al decrease in the alco­hol con­tent, cre­at­ing softer and smooth­er eau-de-vies.

Calvados Morin pro­duces a large range of Calvados, from 3 years to over 30 years of age, all presen­ted in styl­ish pack­aging. It also incudes “Single” Calvados from the Pay d’Auge, as well as superb “blends” from a selec­tion of the finest terroirs. Morin Calvados are avail­able in France in a number of high-end estab­lish­ments, wine stores, del­icates­sens, res­taur­ants and wholesalers.

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