Calvados Tourism in NormandyThe Calvados distilleries → La Distillerie des Ambres

La Distillerie
des Ambres


La Distillerie des Ambres

Our products

Calvados Pays d’Auge, Pommeau de Normandie


59 Imp. de la Cr Per­rine, 14430 Victot-Pontfol


Kristen Paravisini
Tél. : +33 (0)2 31 06 00 81

Languages spoken

French – English

The Dis­til­ler­ie des Ambres, loc­ated near Cam­bre­mer, embod­ies the his­tory of the Schlum­ber­ger family, for whom the Pays d’Auge has become a cher­ished homeland.

Françoise Primat : The Creation of a Treasure

Some land­scapes embrace you instantly. In the 1950s, Françoise Primat and her hus­band made the Manoir des Ambres their retreat.

Deeply attached to this land, Françoise Primat spent forty years press­ing the apples from her orch­ards, call­ing upon the alem­bic, and allow­ing her cider eaux-de-vie to mature in the quiet depths of the Manoir’s cel­lars. Rooted in the tra­di­tion of Calvados — an artis­an­al spirit born from family her­it­age — she cre­ated a treas­ure for future gen­er­a­tions. It would be one of her grand­daugh­ters, Justine, who would one day bring it to light.

Justine Primat : Unveiling the Legacy of Calvados

Spend­ing much of her time in the Pays d’Auge, Justine dis­covered the her­it­age passed down by her grand­moth­er : the orch­ards and cider eaux-de-vie patiently aged for forty years, but also the rhythm of the apple sea­sons, the press­ing, the alchemy of fer­ment­a­tion, and the trans­form­a­tions of aging.

Over the years, her bond with Normandy deepened, cul­min­at­ing in 2017 when, along­side her mother, her broth­er Stan­ley, and her sis­ters Bérengère and Garance, she chose to carry on Françoise Primat’s work by restor­ing the aban­doned farm. This would become home to the Maison, which, from orch­ard to glass, would encom­pass every stage of Calvados pro­duc­tion : la Dis­til­ler­ie des Ambres.

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