Endive tart tatin with Calvados apples, Camembert and Calvados caramel, andouille chips
Preparation time : 30 minutes
Cooking time : 30 minutes
Serves 6
200 g of flour
80 g of salted butter
5 to 7 cl of water
1 egg yolk
5 apples
8 endives
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 knob of butter
5 cl of Calvados
1 tsp of Kampot pepper
1 tsp of salt
8 slices of andouille
In a frying pan over low heat, grill the slices of andouille.
In a saucepan, heat 50 g of Camembert cheese and 100 g of cream over low heat.
Blend with a hand blender and leave to cool.
Whip like a whipped cream with a mixer.
The short pastry:
In a bowl, mix the butter and flour.
Add the egg yolk.
Then mix with a fork and add 5 to 7 cl of water.
Mix and form a ball.
Wrap with cling film and put in a cool place.
Put the butter and sugar in a frying pan over medium heat.
Cut the endives finely and add them to the pan.
Caramelize and deglaze with Calvados off the heat.
Lower the heat, add salt and pepper.
When the endives are caramelized, flambé.
Put in a cool place.
Cut the apples into quarters.
Butter the tartlet molds.
Add sugar to the bottom of the molds.
Add the raw apples and pour the caramelized endives into the tart pan.
Put in the fridge.
Roll out the pastry and make discs.
Then place the pastry on the tartlet and crimp the edges by pinching them.
Bake at 180°C (356°F) for 20 to 25 minutes.
Serve the tartlet with a quenelle of Camembert whipped cream and add the andouille chips.
What is a Trou Normand?
In the 19th century, the “Trou Normand” had an official place at mealtimes, it was a small glass of Calvados served to aid digestion during banquets and formal meals. Gustave Flaubert alludes to this widespread custom in his “Bouvard et Pécuchet” written in 1881. Tradition has it that, midway through the meal, the master of the house invited his guests to raise their half-filled glass of Calvados, smell it and then swallow it down in one gulp. Today, the tradition is to serve an apple sorbet soaked in Calvados in the middle of the meal.