Calvados news

Peter Doherty x Calvados : the unexpected feat !

Nostalgic rock ballad : Peter Doherty signs a surprisingly enchanting tribute with a new single dedicated to Calvados.

Calvados x Peter Doherty sing for the apple brandy

Peter Doherty and his connection to Calvados

After a some­times tur­bu­lent jour­ney, Peter Doherty seems to have found peace in Normandy. Now living in Étretat, he has embraced the local cul­ture and developed a fas­cin­a­tion for Calvados pro­du­cers, draw­ing inspir­a­tion from their ances­tral craftsmanship.
In a 2022 inter­view with The Guard­i­an, he shared his appre­ci­ation for the Norman spirit : “He orders a black coffee and a glass of Calvados, which he drinks with pleasure.”

Also, in his upcom­ing solo album Felt Better Alive, due out in May, the track Calvados talks about the time and patience needed to make the famous apple brandy : “The apples will grow, the bar­rels will roll, soon to become liquid gold.”.

The place of Calvados in musical culture

Peter Doherty is far from being the first song­writer to men­tion Calvados. To name just a few, Serge Gains­bourg sings in Les amours per­dues (1959), “Lost loves are gathered by the shovel, and Calvados runs down your throat.”
Mean­while, Jacques Brel, in Fernand (1967), pleads, “Leave me to drink, all alone, a glass of Calvados.”

Proof that Calvados tran­scends time and will con­tin­ue to influ­ence the music scene.

For those who haven’t yet listened to and seen the amaz­ing music video of the new Calvados anthem ⤵

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