Calvados France - Official Calvados Appellation – French Apple Brandy from Normandy

Calvados drink

Wel­come to the offi­cial web­site of Calvados, the French spirit craf­ted in Normandy since 1553.

Dis­cov­er the rich­ness and eleg­ance of the most famous apple brandy.


Today, 300 Calvados pro­du­cers cul­tiv­ate the fine art of dis­tilling this excep­tion­al apple brandy.

They have been care­fully craft­ing this icon of the French “art de vivre” for five centuries.

Enjoy a Calvados
  • A unique history

    From the Hes­per­ides to Steve Jobs, the Garden of Eden to the Beatles, Newton to Mag­ritte, the apple has cap­tured the ima­gin­a­tion since the dawn of man­kind. In Normandy, it is an emblem and Calvados is its standard-bearer…

    A Calvados cocktail placed on a Norman buffet

Drinking Calvados

Bold food pair­ings, apple-cious cock­tails, served neat or over ice: Calvados is per­fect for all sea­sons and all drink­ing occasions.

Drinking Calvados
Calvados cocktail for a night out
Calvados cocktail in a club
  • How & When to drink Calvados

    Old vin­tages, young blends, in cock­tails or in gast­ro­nomy: here are a few of the many ways Calvados can be enjoyed..

    Drinking Calvados
    Calvaclub 2024 black and white Calvados socks

Calvados Tourism

“Calvados tour­ism” is an ori­gin­al way to explore Normandy. The lovely old dis­til­ler­ies are open to vis­it­ors enabling them to exper­i­ence the cul­ture of one of the love­li­est regions of France.

Calvados Tourism
Old Fashioned with Calva
Mussels and fries with a glass of Calvados
A Café-Calva on a terrace in Paris

What is a Café Calva?

At the end of the 19th cen­tury, it was cus­tom­ary for work­ers and farm­ers to add a drop of Calvados to their morn­ing coffee, to warm them­selves up and summon the energy needed to work in often dif­fi­cult conditions.

This tra­di­tion gradu­ally took hold in French pop­u­lar culture.

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All the news
Lone Star, Fine Apple

Lone Star, Fine Apple

Calvados recently embarked on a Texan adventure, embracing the Lone Star State.

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Peter Doherty x Calvados : the unexpected feat !

Peter Doherty x Calvados : the unexpected feat !

Nostalgic rock ballad : Peter Doherty signs a surprisingly enchanting tribute with a new single dedicated to Calvados.

Read more

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