Drinking Calvados → Recommended addresses


Bars, hotels, res­taur­ants, del­icates­sens, wine stores, you’ll find Calvados every­where. In Normandy, in France, and all over the world.

  • Le Château d’Audrieu

    Audrieu - Normandy

    Pay a visit to the “Le 1715” bar or “Le Séran” res­taur­ant and you can explore a wide range of Calvados from the three appel­la­tions along with many Calvados-based cocktails.

    See map
  • Combat

    Paris - France

    Named after a neigh­bour­hood in the 19th arron­disse­ment of Paris, this bar is con­sist­ently excel­lent! A hard-work­ing team, a style very unlike that of a clas­sic speak­easy and, of course, ori­gin­al cock­tail recipes which some­times give away Margot Lecar­pen­ti­er­’s Normandy roots! 

    See map
  • Nokka

    Helsinki - Finland

    At this res­taur­ant with its eleg­ant décor and cuisine, you will find nearly 50 dif­fer­ent Calvados lined up proudly behind the bar.

    See map
  • Le Bar Hemingway — Hôtel Ritz

    Paris - France

    Prob­ably one of the most myth­ic­al hotels in the world. Pop along to its Hem­ing­way Bar (named after the famous writer who used to hang out there) and ask head bar­tender Colin Field to serve you the ‘Serendip­ity’, his sig­na­ture cock­tail made from Cham­pagne and Calvados 

    See map
  • Le Manoir du Lys

    Bagnoles-de-l'Orne - Normandy

    You can enjoy a lovely old Calvados at any time of day in the lounge bar at the Manoir du Lys with its Eng­lish private club ambi­ence and décor cre­ated by the Itali­an visual artist Aldo Paolucci. You can also sample the Mich­elin-starred cuisine of Franck Quin­ton, who man­ages one of the finest res­taur­ants in the region.

    See map
  • Le Baligan

    Cabourg - Normandy

    Spe­cial­ising in fish and sea­food, the team at le Baligan brings you all the fresh­ness of the open sea. Calvados is par­tic­u­larly appre­ci­ated and show­cased here in both the cock­tails and the desserts. And, of course, it is also avail­able as an after-dinner drink. 

    See map
  • Gill

    Rouen - Normandy

    Boast­ing two Mich­elin stars, this is an import­ant res­taur­ant on the Normandy culin­ary scene. One of chef Gilles Tour­nad­re’s spe­ci­al­it­ies is his Calvados soufflé, served as a grand finale to round off an amaz­ing meal.

    See map
  • Bar Stag

    Fukuoka - Japan

    At the north­ern tip of the island of Kyushu in Japan, there is a temple ded­ic­ated to Calvados! Tono­haki Wasai will be delighted to have you try his finest vin­tages and cock­tails for which only he knows the secret. Ask for the Normandy Highball!

    See map
  • La Rafale

    Granville - Normandy

    Hugo and his team invite you to come and sip some ori­gin­al Calvados-based cock­tails in their friendly and wel­com­ing bar loc­ated in heart of the his­tor­ic dis­trict of Granville.

    See map
  • The Flying Dutchmen

    Amsterdam - The Netherlands

    Fancy a Calvados cock­tail by the canal? Visit this insti­tu­tion of the Dutch cock­tail scene and fix­ture of Ams­ter­dam nightlife.

    See map
  • La Renaissance

    Caen - Normandy

    Mich­elin-starred chef Arnaud Viel is a local boy. He serves up ori­gin­al and sus­tain­able Normandy cuisine. Calvados nat­ur­ally has pride of place in this superb restaurant.

    See map
  • Le Dauphin

    Breuil-en-Auge - Normandy

    For chef Mat­thieu Le Guil­lois, Calvados is an “art de vivre”. Loc­ated a short dis­tance from the Pays d’Auge dis­til­ler­ies, this tra­di­tion­al auberge offers a large selec­tion of Calvados and sev­er­al recipes in which the spirit plays a pre-emin­ent role.

    See map

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