Drinking Calvados → Recommended addresses


Bars, hotels, res­taur­ants, del­icates­sens, wine stores, you’ll find Calvados every­where. In Normandy, in France, and all over the world.

  • Le Baligan

    Cabourg - Normandy

    Spe­cial­ising in fish and sea­food, the team at le Baligan brings you all the fresh­ness of the open sea. Calvados is par­tic­u­larly appre­ci­ated and show­cased here in both the cock­tails and the desserts. And, of course, it is also avail­able as an after-dinner drink. 

    See map
  • The Flying Dutchmen

    Amsterdam - The Netherlands

    Fancy a Calvados cock­tail by the canal? Visit this insti­tu­tion of the Dutch cock­tail scene and fix­ture of Ams­ter­dam nightlife.

    See map
  • La Compagnie des Calvados

    Honfleur - Normandy

    Spe­cial­ising in Calvados, this wine and spirit store stocks more than 80 dif­fer­ent Calvados includ­ing some very old col­lect­or’s vin­tages from the 3 Calvados appellations.

    See map
  • Roquette

    Seattle - United States

    Loc­ated in the heart of the Bell­town dis­trict, Roquette is a trib­ute to French spir­its. Calvados fig­ures prom­in­ently on its ima­gin­at­ive cock­tail menu. At the helm you will find Erik Hakinnen, one of the most influ­en­tial bar­tenders in the U.S.

    See map
  • Combat

    Paris - France

    Named after a neigh­bour­hood in the 19th arron­disse­ment of Paris, this bar is con­sist­ently excel­lent! A hard-work­ing team, a style very unlike that of a clas­sic speak­easy and, of course, ori­gin­al cock­tail recipes which some­times give away Margot Lecar­pen­ti­er­’s Normandy roots! 

    See map
  • Harry’s Bar

    Paris - France

    Since 1911, this embassy of U.S. cock­tail-making has reigned supreme in the heart of the 9th arron­disse­ment of Paris. With its uni­formed waiters, inim­it­able know-how and a lovely grand piano in the base­ment for the jazz even­ings, Harry’s is an institution!

    See map
  • Le Bréard

    Honfleur - Normandy

    Good food lovers will be delighted with the char­ac­ter­ful cuisine served here cre­ated by an inspired and cre­at­ive chef who works with the best local artis­ans and pro­du­cers. Check out their superb selec­tion of Calvados. 

    See map
  • “Le Green” at the Hôtel du Golf

    Deauville - Normandy

    Come and take a deep dive into one of the finest col­lec­tions of Calvados at Le Green, where the red and wood decor has a dis­tinctly Brit­ish feel about it. Take in the breath­tak­ing view from the 180° terrace.

    See map
  • L’Auberge du Président

    Cormeilles - Normandy

    Loc­ated in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, the Auberge du Présid­ent is an authen­t­ic and eleg­ant Normandy auberge. Don’t forget to order the monk­fish medal­lion with Calvados when you dine at this gast­ro­nom­ic auberge oozing Pays d’Auge charm.

    See map
  • La Fabrique

    Caen - Normandy

    Loc­ated on one of the oldest squares in Caen, Place Saint-Sauveur, La Fab­rique Côté Terre wel­comes its cus­tom­ers in a bright, com­fort­able ambi­ence. Here you can sip on sev­er­al ori­gin­al Calvados cocktails.

    See map
  • Nokka

    Helsinki - Finland

    At this res­taur­ant with its eleg­ant décor and cuisine, you will find nearly 50 dif­fer­ent Calvados lined up proudly behind the bar.

    See map
  • La Ferme de Billy

    Rots - Normandy

    Come and enjoy some tasty local cuisine, in the form of a col­our­ful and copi­ous brunch, in a friendly and cosy atmo­sphere. Taste­ful décor, comfy sofas, XXL tables for large groups or a quiet table for two. The cherry on the cake? The orch­ards are right next door! 

    See map

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