Calvados news

Autumn, peak season.

September and October mark the "peak season" for Calvados. In the orchards, it’s time to harvest, press, and transform. Elsewhere, we discover and share.

It all star­ted at the end of Septem­ber with Cock­tail Street at La Grande Halle de la Vil­lette in Paris.

Ima­gine over 30,000 vis­it­ors, around fifty bars, and a dozen street food stalls: a para­dise for cock­tail enthusiasts!

Colin was there, delight­ing every­one with a finely craf­ted cock­tail menu and, appar­ently, the best high­balls of the event (which is true).

Two weeks later, we headed to Ger­many for Bar Con­vent Berlin!

Sev­er­al Calvados dis­til­ler­ies were present to intro­duce the cat­egory to an audi­ence from all over Europe. Nearly 13,000 vis­it­ors came through to taste dif­fer­ent brands and enjoy Colin’s cocktails.

Calvados booth at Bar convent Berlin

Then, on Octo­ber 17, it was World Calvados Day, the per­fect oppor­tun­ity for dis­til­ler­ies to show­case their finest offer­ings: activ­a­tions in bars, open houses, and more. Inter­na­tion­ally, Normandy clubs abroad also brought the aper­itif vibe to Oslo, Medellín, Sydney, Seoul, and Dakar.

It was the ideal moment to cel­eb­rate the most famous of Nor­mandy’s spir­its around the globe.

World Calvados Day Club Ambassador 

On the same day, Caen hosted FÊNO, a fest­iv­al show­cas­ing the best of Normandy. Over three days, nearly 60,000 vis­it­ors tasted cock­tails, dis­covered region­al products, and fully enjoyed the Normandy atmosphere.

FÊNO in Caen

Finally, Octo­ber 27 marked the end of regis­tra­tions for Calva Club 2024. Nearly 70 entrants are ready to revis­it café-calva. Next step: select­ing the 12 finalists.

So, stay tuned for Decem­ber to dis­cov­er their creations.

In the mean­time, every­one is back to their apples.…

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Calvados across America

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