Calvados news

“Café Calva” or “Calva Café” ?

For a long time in Paris, people used to order "coiffed coffees."…

In Normandy, cus­tom­ers also asked for “laced” cof­fees. With Calvados, obviously.

Since then, cus­toms have under­gone some changes, as has Calvados.

Nev­er­the­less, the spirit remains insep­ar­able from this caf­fein­ated heritage.

It is pre­cisely in this spirit that this winter advert­ising cam­paign came to fruition.

Primar­ily, it pays homage to Café Calva, a dis­tinctly French prac­tice resur­fa­cing more and more in Paris and beyond.

Then, there’s a modern “twist” on this age-old prac­tice with the “Calva Café” (or Cal­vas­presso for the ini­ti­ated) in the form of an “Espresso Mar­tini” — a cock­tail famil­i­ar to enthusiasts. 

How­ever, the best vari­ation undoubtedly involves Calvados!

Finally, there’s the “Calva Nature,” where Calvados unveils its com­plete aro­mat­ic spec­trum. A mes­sage that also prompts con­tem­pla­tion of the “nat­ur­al” tra­ject­ory of the spirit, which is argu­ably one of the most eco-respons­ible in the market. 

And nat­ur­ally we emphas­ize the gesture.


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