Calvados news

Calvados across America

From the West Coast to the East Coast, Calvados is making its mark in the United States.

We told you 2024 would be a big year for Calvados dis­til­ler­ies in America.

For the past six months, we’ve been taking our finest bottles, our best accents, and our beloved apples across the Atlantic.

In March, we kicked things off with events in San Fran­cisco, Los Angeles, and New Orleans.

More recently, in June, we hit the East Coast, stop­ping in Miami, Austin and Wash­ing­ton DC.

To wrap up the first half of the year, we spent two incred­ible days at Bar Con­vent Brook­lyn.

At each stop, we held mas­ter­classes to show­case every aspect of Calvados: its ori­gins, pro­duc­tion, appel­la­tions, dis­til­la­tion, aging, and its eco-friendly practices.

These events were also a great oppor­tun­ity for guests to taste a wide range of products from dif­fer­ent dis­til­ler­ies during lively and enga­ging tast­ing sessions.

Our din­ners sparked fruit­ful dis­cus­sions about the role of Calvados in bars and its poten­tial in del­ic­ate pair­ings. In other words, we explored the many ways our “French Apple brandy” can be enjoyed, espe­cially in cocktails.

To high­light this, we focused on four very dif­fer­ent cock­tails: the High­ball, the Applet­ini, the Espresso Mar­tini, and the iconic Jack Rose.

And at Bar Con­vent Brook­lyn, led by Nico , Calvados truly shined.

With two mas­ter­classes, tast­ings, and fas­cin­at­ing con­ver­sa­tions, Calvados cap­tured everyone’s hearts.

The result? Over­whelm­ingly pos­it­ive feed­back, bound­less enthu­si­asm, and valu­able connections.

So, you can bet we’ll be back next year!


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Far more than just apple flavors

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Far more than just apple flavors

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