Calvados news

Lone Star, Fine Apple

Calvados recently embarked on a Texan adventure, embracing the Lone Star State.

First Stop: Dallas

The jour­ney began in Dallas, not with a rodeo, but with basketball.

A casual even­ing was hosted in one of the private lounges of the Amer­ic­an Air­lines Center, fos­ter­ing exchanges between Calvados pro­du­cers and their guests.

While the Dallas Mav­er­icks faced a 30-point defeat against the Kings that night, the focus remained on the excep­tion­al exper­i­ence shared, close to the stars of the league.

Calvados took center stage, with a selec­tion of ten cuvées spark­ing lively conversations.

Next Up: Austin

The jour­ney con­tin­ued to Austin, a city pre­vi­ously vis­ited last year.

This time, four cock­tail vari­ations, includ­ing a beau­ti­fully craf­ted Applet­ini, accom­pan­ied a bespoke menu designed by the team at Emmer & Rye.

This event provided an oppor­tun­ity to engage with Aus­tin’s bust­ling hos­pit­al­ity industry, buzz­ing with anti­cip­a­tion ahead of the SXSW fest­iv­al. Calvados was set­ting the stage.

Final Destination: Houston

The tour con­cluded in Hou­s­ton, the state’s largest city, with a candlelit dinner.

It was “A Night in Normandy…in Houston!”

The intim­ate atmo­sphere fea­tured sea­food plat­ters enhanced by the viva­city of young Calvados, and chocol­ate desserts paired with smooth­er cuvées.

In total, over fif­teen bottles were savored.

These three Texan stops show­cased diverse uni­verses, reflect­ing the state’s aston­ish­ing diversity that both intrigues and delights—much like Calvados itself.

Next Stop?

The West Coast in June, fol­lowed by the Bar Con­vent Brooklyn.

Stay tuned.


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Peter Doherty x Calvados : the unexpected feat !

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Peter Doherty x Calvados : the unexpected feat !

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