Calvados news

Roger Groult : 5th generation

Groult estate has been preserving the art of Calvados Pays d'Auge for five generations.

Can you introduce Groult estate to us?

Groult House is a family-run estate, one of the oldest in the Pays d’Auge region, where I rep­res­ent the fifth gen­er­a­tion. We pro­duce Calvados Pays d’Auge fol­low­ing tra­di­tion­al crafts­man­ship, includ­ing double dis­til­la­tion over a wood fire. We over­see the entire pro­cess, from har­vest­ing to bot­tling, using mainly bit­ter­sweet apples from our high-stem orchards.

We press our own apples and pro­duce our own cider for dis­til­la­tion, with no extern­al pur­chases. Both the dis­til­la­tion and aging are car­ried out on-site in our family cellars.

How are your product ranges organized?

We have two main dis­tin­guish­ing fea­tures. First, our per­petu­al blend­ing method: we never com­pletely empty the bar­rels, which allows us to incor­por­ate a base of long-aged Calvados even into our young­est blends. This cre­ates a unique com­plex­ity without overly woody notes.

We also have a sig­ni­fic­ant stock of very old Calvados, includ­ing iconic products such as our “Vénér­able”, a blend of eaux-de-vie aged 18 years and older. What’s remark­able is that the apple remains dis­cern­ible even in our oldest Calvados, which is quite unique com­pared to other spir­its like Cognac or Armag­nac, where the raw mater­i­al tends to fade over time.

Addi­tion­ally, we innov­ate with our range of cask fin­ishes, launched in 2017. This includes fin­ishes in bar­rels from wine-pro­du­cing regions (Vouv­ray, Jur­ançon, Bany­uls), as well as from whisky and beer. Finally, we are devel­op­ing a range of vin­tages, ini­ti­ated in the 2000s, with releases such as the 2003 and 2008 vintages.

Calvados Groult bottles

What values define Maison Roger Groult?

Our values are deeply rooted in respect for biod­iversity and tra­di­tion­al meth­ods. We use no syn­thet­ic treat­ments on our apple trees, pre­serve hedgerows and small plots, and have even intro­duced bee­hives. During pro­duc­tion, our cider fer­ments nat­ur­ally for at least 10 months, giving it excep­tion­al com­plex­ity. We then dis­till the cider from the pre­vi­ous year in our cen­tury old pot stills, heated by a wood fire, an approach that embod­ies our authenticity.

Our goal is to share eth­ic­al, high-qual­ity Calvados every day, break­ing the ste­reo­type of “Calva” being overly strong in alco­hol. We also cham­pi­on envir­on­ment­ally friendly prac­tices because, even if they’re not always the most prof­it­able in the short term, they align with our core beliefs.

Do you have a memorable story related to Calvados?

What comes to mind right away are the olfact­ory memor­ies: when I came home from school, I could smell the stills at work from afar. That smell of a blend of eau-de-vie and warm wood is some­thing that left a last­ing impres­sion. I also vividly recall dip­ping my finger under the still’s spout to taste the 70-proof eau-de-vie. The warmth, the aromas… those moments stay with you.

Finally, do you have a favorite cocktail?

A very simple drink: 3 year old Calvados, a touch of cane sugar, lime juice, and a twist of zest. It’s some­thing close to a Dai­quiri, but with Calvados repla­cing the rum.

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Christian Drouin: mastering the balance of tradition and innovation

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