Calvados Domfrontais

The Calvados

The Calvados dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • Didier Lemorton


    Spe­cial­ising in old vin­tage Dom­fron­tais Calvados, the Lemor­ton family has been man­aging the family estate for 3 generations. 

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  • Comte Louis de Lauriston


    Cre­ated to put a stop to illeg­al Calvados pro­duc­tion in the Dom­fron­tais region, the Calvados Comte Louis de Laur­is­ton cel­lars now house the for­got­ten treas­ures from the time of illi­cit dis­tilling, along with a unique range of vin­tages from sev­er­al dec­ades which are expor­ted to over 20 countries. 

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  • Victor Gontier

    Saint Georges de Rouelley

    Farm pro­duc­tion in the heart of the Appel­la­tion d’Origine Dom­fron­tais Calvados pro­duc­tion area for three generations. 

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  • La Cave Normande


    Pro­du­cers of Calvados, perry, cider, apple and pear juice since 1950… a family know-how and expert­ise when it comes to delight­ing the taste buds! 

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  • Domaine de la Duretière


    An organ­ic family farm, with 17 hec­tares of orch­ards, loc­ated in the Calvados Dom­fron­tais, Calvados, and Pom­meau de Nor­man­die appel­la­tions. Calvados apple grow­ers and producers. 

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  • Ferme de la Prémoudière


    The Ferme de la Pré­moud­ière is loc­ated in the Orne Bocage, an area known for its unspoilt, rural envir­on­ment. Its orch­ards are planted with extraordin­ary high stem pear trees. 

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  • Calvados Préaux


    Loc­ated in the Normandy Bocage, Calvados Préaux upholds the tra­di­tion of Calvados making, craft­ing products of the highest quality.

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  • Pacory — Ferme des Grimaux


    In Normandy, in the heart of the Dom­front region, the land of the pear, our family farm pro­duces cider-based products ori­gin­at­ing from high stem orch­ards where the grass is grazed by our herd of Normandy cows. 

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  • Ferme de la Motte


    The Ferme de la Motte is a family-owned farm where we take great care of the land and the trees by organ­ic agri­cul­ture, replant­ing hedgerows, har­vest­ing the fruit by hand, cider pro­duc­tion using nat­ur­al sec­ond­ary fer­ment­a­tion. If the way we do things interests you, then come along and meet us!

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