Calvados Tourism in Normandy → Distilleries

The Calvados

The Calvados dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • Calvados Dupont


    The Louis Dupont family estate: The quint­essence of the apple from an eleg­ant and rich terroir.

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  • Manoir de Grandouet


    Loc­ated on the “Route du Cidre” (Cider Route) near the vil­lage of Cam­bre­mer, in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, the Manoir de Grandou­et cellar is open to vis­it­ors through­out the year. The terroir and the cli­mate make this an excel­lent loc­a­tion for cider production. 

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  • Domaine Duclos‑Fougeray


    A cider farm and dis­til­lery loc­ated in the heart of the Pays de Bray in a typ­ic­al Normandy farm­house. Cider, Pom­meau, Calvados, apple juice and apple cider vin­eg­ar production. 

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  • Théo Capelle


    The Théo Capelle cider works invites you to dis­cov­er all the fla­vours of AOC Calvados, AOC Pom­meau de Nor­man­die and Cotentin AOP ciders during your visit to the estate. 

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  • Le Père Jules

    St-Désir de Lisieux

    A family story, the story of a passion…

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  • Christian Drouin

    Pont Lévêque

    Maison Drouin is a family-owned Pays d’Auge craft dis­til­lery nest­ling in the middle of a tra­di­tion­al high stem orch­ard and spe­cial­ising in the craft­ing of vin­tage Calvados. 

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  • La Cave Normande


    Pro­du­cers of Calvados, perry, cider, apple and pear juice since 1950… a family know-how and expert­ise when it comes to delight­ing the taste buds! 

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  • Le Père Mahieu


    Come along and visit our organ­ic craft cider farm and dis­til­lery in the typ­ic­al set­ting of a 1920s farmstead. 

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  • Père Gontran


    This family farm, loc­ated in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, not far from the beaches of the Côte Fleur­ie, pro­duces Calvados, cider and apple juice. Direct sales on-site. 

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  • Claque-Pépin


    We bring you the finest tra­di­tion­al Normandy products to delight your taste buds. 

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  • Spirit France Diffusion


    Spirit France Diffusion’s activ­ity is based on the craft­ing of high-qual­ity products, using its extens­ive savoir-faire. These are products with a strong iden­tity, rooted in a terroir, and pro­tec­ted by an AOC. Père Magloire, Calvados Boul­ard and Lecompte are our three lead­ing Calvados brands. 

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  • Domaine des 5D


    Domaine des 5D is loc­ated in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, just out­side Lisieux and its famous basilica. It sits at the foot of its hill­side orch­ards, in a spot formerly known as the Pré des Vignes, in ref­er­ence to the vines once grown there. 

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