Calvados Tourism in Normandy → Distilleries

The Calvados

The Calvados dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • Desvoye cider farm


    A third-gen­er­a­tion family-owned farm that blends authen­ti­city with modernity. 

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  • Le Lieu Chéri


    Alex­an­dre and Pau­line work with great pas­sion and a desire to prac­tice their craft as nat­ur­ally and respect­fully as pos­sible, in keep­ing with four gen­er­a­tions of savoir-faire. 

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  • Manoir de Grandouet


    Loc­ated on the “Route du Cidre” (Cider Route) near the vil­lage of Cam­bre­mer, in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, the Manoir de Grandou­et cellar is open to vis­it­ors through­out the year. The terroir and the cli­mate make this an excel­lent loc­a­tion for cider production. 

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  • Victor Gontier

    Saint Georges de Rouelley

    Farm pro­duc­tion in the heart of the Appel­la­tion d’Origine Dom­fron­tais Calvados pro­duc­tion area for three generations. 

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  • Ferme des Parquets


    Ciders, per­ries, apple juices, pear juices, Pom­meau de Nor­man­die, Pays d’Auge Calvados: all pro­duced on our farm from our 2,000 trees grow­ing 70 dif­fer­ent varieties. 

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  • Domaine de la Flaguerie

    Ducy Sainte-Marguerite

    Domaine de la Flaguer­ie is a family farm loc­ated in the Bessin region of Normandy since 1835. Our orch­ards are man­aged organ­ic­ally and we pro­cess our apples into the tra­di­tion­al local products. 

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  • Manoir de Montreuil


    A tra­di­tion­al family farm spe­cial­ised in old AOC Pays d’Auge Calvados. 

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  • Distillerie La Monnerie


    The moment you enter our cel­lars, the odour inter­rog­ates you: should you stay quiet and just taste, or speak up and share? Come and par­take in an authen­t­ic exper­i­ence in which you will learn all about the pro­duc­tion of AOC Calvados in our cel­lars that are home to 100-year-old casks. 

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  • Cave de la Loterie


    At the Cave de la Loter­ie (a cider works in Clécy in the Suisse-Nor­mande), Regis Aubry grows and pro­cesses organ­ic apples and pears. He is always happy to receive vis­it­ors for tast­ings, tours and direct sales at the property. 

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  • Pierre Huet


    Loc­ated on the “Route du Cidre” (Cider Route) in the heart of Normandy’s Pays d’Auge, Domaine Pierre Huet com­prises 30 hec­tares of orch­ards grow­ing 25 vari­et­ies of cider apples. Since 2010, the dis­til­lery has been using an innov­at­ive heat­ing system unique within the Normandy region: wood chips. 

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  • Calvados Préaux


    Loc­ated in the Normandy Bocage, Calvados Préaux upholds the tra­di­tion of Calvados making, craft­ing products of the highest quality.

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