Calvados Tourism
in Normandy

Family hol­i­days, romantic week­ends or mini-breaks with friends: there are so many great and ori­gin­al ways to dis­cov­er an authen­t­ic region and explore the world of Calvados. We’ve pulled togeth­er a few recom­men­ded itin­er­ar­ies for you.…

  • From Les Andaines to Mont Saint-Michel

    ↪ 5 stages - 178 km

    This area in the heart of the Normandy bocage, at the cross­roads of the Orne and Manche depart­ments, is unique. 300-year-old pear trees herald a drive down towards the splen­did bay of Mont Saint-Michel.

  • Le Cotentin, the unspoilt peninsula

    ↪ 5 stages - 170 km

    The land­scapes on the Cotentin pen­in­sula jut­ting into the Eng­lish Chan­nel and sub­ject to the most power­ful tides in Europe, show the strength and char­ac­ter of their birthplace. 

  • From Le Bessin to Caen, between land & sea

    ↪ 5 stages - 70 km

    His­tory, cul­ture and gast­ro­nomy await you in the heart of Lower Normandy. A pre­served her­it­age, pro­tec­ted areas, the dis­tant hori­zon, what more could you ask for? 

  • The Hills & Wonders of the Suisse Normande

    ↪ 5 stages - 60 km

    This area is, without doubt, the most atyp­ic­al and ori­gin­al in Normandy. Vil­lages with char­ac­ter, unspoilt nature and breath­tak­ing views… 

  • The terroirs of the Pays d’Auge

    ↪ 5 stages - 69 km

    This is pic­ture-post­card Normandy, one of its most iconic areas. Expect verd­ant coun­tryside, undu­lat­ing hills and half-timbered houses that lend its vil­lages their typ­ic­al charm.

    The pot still at Distillerie Groult
  • The Côte Fleurie

    ↪ 5 stages - 63 km

    This coast­line is lined with pres­ti­gi­ous sea­side resorts and long sandy beaches. You can also explore the charm­ing coun­tryside brim­ming with price­less treas­ures and age-old savoir-faire. 

  • Upper Normandy

    ↪ 7 stages - 200 km

    Its lands, forests and marshes will enchant nature lovers. With its lovely gar­dens and deep green val­leys, the Pays de Bray is authen­t­ic and unique.

  • From Giverny to Le Perche

    ↪ 6 stages - 197 km

    Flowers and col­ours…. first in the tones of Monet and then in the incred­ible palette of shades you dis­cov­er as you travel around the 182,000 hec­tares that make up the Parc Naturel du Perche.


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