Calvados Tourism in Normandy → Distilleries

The Calvados

The Calvados dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • Le Père Jules

    St-Désir de Lisieux

    A family story, the story of a passion…

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  • Les Vergers du Chouquet


    The Ver­gers du Cho­quet cider works crafts AOC/AOP products on their farm loc­ated on the Pays d’Auge hill­sides. They are com­mit­ted to an extens­ive and tra­di­tion­al type production. 

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  • Lieu Roussel

    Douville-en Auge

    Sur­roun­ded by high stem orch­ards, through which cows graze, our farm is our place of work. We are delighted to receive vis­it­ors to show them the work on our farm and the origin of our products. 

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  • Domaine de la Duretière


    An organ­ic family farm, with 17 hec­tares of orch­ards, loc­ated in the Calvados Dom­fron­tais, Calvados, and Pom­meau de Nor­man­die appel­la­tions. Calvados apple grow­ers and producers. 

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  • Maison Hérout


    Maison Hérout was foun­ded in Auvers, in the heart of the Le Cotentin region, in 1946. It has been a pion­eer in organ­ic cider-based pro­duc­tion excel­lence since the 70s. 

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  • Distillerie Busnel


    Foun­ded in the heart of the Pay d’Auge in 1820, Dis­til­ler­ie Busnel is the first major Calvados House. You can visit one of the last great work­ing dis­til­ler­ies and learn all about the pro­duc­tion of its Calvados in a typ­ic­al Normandy setting. 

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    Le Domaine des 5 Autels is above all a family story with shared values : excel­lence and envir­on­ment­al protection.

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  • Manoir d’Apreval


    17 Pays d’Auge vari­et­ies of cider apples are planted here on 20 hec­tares of organ­ic orch­ards loc­ated by the sea. We are a farm pro­du­cing craft products in a typ­ic­al Normandy setting. 

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  • Calvados Morin

    Ivry la Bataille

    On the banks of the River Eure you will find one of the oldest Calvados pro­du­cers in Normandy, whose under­ground cel­lars date back to the 19th cen­tury. Here you can learn all about the craft of Calvados matur­ing and the vari­ous stages in its production. 

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  • Domaine de la Mérité


    This estate pro­duces just one Calvados for sale, a blend of a min­im­um of 20 years of age. It has picked up awards at the Salon de l’Agriculture in Paris on sev­er­al occa­sions. Listed in numer­ous Mich­elin-starred res­taur­ants in France. A rare and authen­t­ic Calvados with an enti­cing character. 

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  • La Maison du Père Tranquille


    Maison du Père Tran­quille has been dis­trib­ut­ing qual­ity Normandy products, in par­tic­u­lar Rollon Calvados, aged in its own cellar in Routot, for three generations.

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  • Ferme des Parquets


    Ciders, per­ries, apple juices, pear juices, Pom­meau de Nor­man­die, Pays d’Auge Calvados: all pro­duced on our farm from our 2,000 trees grow­ing 70 dif­fer­ent varieties. 

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