
The Calvados

The Calvados dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • Les Bruyères Carré


    Handed down from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion, the Les Bruyères Carré farm loc­ated in Moyaux, in the Calvados depart­ment, is an authen­t­ic Normandy Pays d’Auge cider farm that is really worth a visit! 

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  • Distillerie Coquerel


    We have been pro­du­cing Calvados, Pom­meau, cider and gin since 1937 in our family dis­til­lery loc­ated just a few kilo­metres from Mont-Saint-Michel. We proudly uphold the Calvados tra­di­tions, but are first and fore­most entre­pren­eurs with a love of innov­a­tion. These eau-de-vies have been selec­ted and blen­ded for their unique char­ac­ters and their aro­mat­ic pro­files that rep­res­ent the finest terroirs of Normandy. 

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  • Pierre Huet


    Loc­ated on the “Route du Cidre” (Cider Route) in the heart of Normandy’s Pays d’Auge, Domaine Pierre Huet com­prises 30 hec­tares of orch­ards grow­ing 25 vari­et­ies of cider apples. Since 2010, the dis­til­lery has been using an innov­at­ive heat­ing system unique within the Normandy region: wood chips. 

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  • Ferme de Billy


    The Ferme de Billy is a brand, a place and a family spirit: authen­ti­city, con­vi­vi­al­ity, respect for nature and local Normandy tra­di­tions, where every­one is wel­come, young and old. 

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  • La Maison du Père Tranquille


    Maison du Père Tran­quille has been dis­trib­ut­ing qual­ity Normandy products, in par­tic­u­lar Rollon Calvados, aged in its own cellar in Routot, for three generations.

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  • Domaine Duclos‑Fougeray


    A cider farm and dis­til­lery loc­ated in the heart of the Pays de Bray in a typ­ic­al Normandy farm­house. Cider, Pom­meau, Calvados, apple juice and apple cider vin­eg­ar production. 

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  • Distillerie Busnel


    Foun­ded in the heart of the Pay d’Auge in 1820, Dis­til­ler­ie Busnel is the first major Calvados House. You can visit one of the last great work­ing dis­til­ler­ies and learn all about the pro­duc­tion of its Calvados in a typ­ic­al Normandy setting. 

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  • Christian Drouin

    Pont Lévêque

    Maison Drouin is a family-owned Pays d’Auge craft dis­til­lery nest­ling in the middle of a tra­di­tion­al high stem orch­ard and spe­cial­ising in the craft­ing of vin­tage Calvados. 

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  • Cidrerie du Perche

    Val au Perche

    We grow and pro­cess fruit on 22 hec­tares of organ­ic cider apple orch­ards, installed in a “High Qual­ity Envir­on­ment­al Stand­ard” build­ing. We receive vis­it­ors on our family farm all year round. 

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  • Ferme de la Vallée au Tanneur


    A tra­di­tion­al organ­ic farm, where Normandy cows graze under the high stem apple trees. 

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  • Calvados Préaux


    Loc­ated in the Normandy Bocage, Calvados Préaux upholds the tra­di­tion of Calvados making, craft­ing products of the highest quality.

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  • Ferme du Ponctey


    Pro­du­cers of cider, AOC Calvados and Pom­meau de Nor­man­die using only apples from our own orch­ards. Come along and taste our products on our family farm loc­ated in the Pays de la Risle, 20 km from Honfleur.

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